4 Tools that Should Be In Your Freelancing Tech Stack

Freelancers are usually one-person shows with a freelancing tech stack. Instead of relying on people to do specific tasks, they turn to apps and tools to get the job done. But which tools do you really need to succeed as a freelancer? 

If you can only invest in four tools to support your freelance business, make sure they include the following: 

1. A Time-Tracking App 

Whether you charge by the hour or by the project, freelancers keep a firm finger on the time pulse. Time is the most precious commodity of every freelancer. It defines how many clients you can take on, as well as how much to charge for your work.  

Using a time-tracking app like Toggl can help you track your hours worked by project or client so  you can calculate your earnings. If you charge by the hour, you’ll also have something tangible to share with the client in case they need visual proof. 

2. Bookkeeping and Invoicing Software 

Freelancers need a way to get paid, and this usually means sending invoices to clients. An all-in-one bookkeeping software like Quickbooks or Wave Accounting makes collections easy. You can also use it to track your receipts and expenses, which can be a huge timesaver come tax time.  

3. Project Management App 

The majority of freelancers work with multiple clients at any given time. To keep track of your work, a free project management app like Trello or Asana is invaluable. At a glance, you can see all of your client projects and the progress you’ve made on them. If you’re working with other freelancers for a large project, such as a website overhaul, you can use these tools to delegate tasks, set deadlines, and keep up with deliverables.  

If you want to get even more value from a single app, you can use your project management tools to schedule meetings and calls with clients, set reminders for invoicing, and create non-project-related to-do lists for your business. This is a great way to consolidate your tech stack and avoid the need for calendars and list apps. 

4. Portfolio Tools 

Last but not least, choosing your freelancing tech stack means having the right tools to get clients, too. No freelancer is open for business without a portfolio. This could be a blog, a website, or dedicated digital portfolio whose purpose is to showcase your work.  

Your portfolio is your digital identity where you can direct prospective clients to learn more about you. They can  see what you’ve done in the past and decide whether to hire you. If you want to maximize this tool, consider opting for a whole website instead of just a portfolio. Your website can store samples of your work, as well as allow clients to contact you, place orders through a form, collect leads, and continue building your credibility. 

Now that you’ve perfected your freelancing tech stack, it’s time to start putting those tools to work in your business. Start growing your clientele with the Citronworks freelance marketplace.  


Leo Gestetner

A serial entrepreneur for over 30 years with a track record of successful online and offline businesses. Leo is Co-Founder & CEO of Zenvoy (Building A.I. Driven Private Networking Communities) & is also Co-Founder & CEO of CitronWorks (A global marketplace of remote professionals ready to help entrepreneurs and companies achieve their goals). Leo is Founder & CEO of Heath Capital, a private equity firm that primarily takes control positions in Technology, Real Estate, and Consumer & Durable Goods Businesses and is very active in each investment.


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