Tips for New Freelancers to Land Good Clients Quickly

Getting good potential clients is arguably the hardest part of new freelancers, especially when you’re just getting started. As a new freelancer, you might not have much of a reputation to earn client trust and may miss out on big opportunities. Or, you might be so desperate to set out on your own that you’re willing to take just any client, even if it’s not work you really want to do.  

Both of these pitfalls can set you back from your freelancing goals. Avoid them with these tips that help new freelancers land good clients quickly: 

Build Your Credibility 

Reputation is everything when it comes to hiring a freelancer. Companies are attracted to the potentially lower prices of services compared to hiring an agency, but they still don’t want to take too big of a financial risk on lackluster results. 

That’s why your credibility can carry a lot of weight in their decision-making. If they see where you’ve published your work (e.g. online portfolios, guest blogs, etc.), gotten recommendations on LinkedIn, or read your online reviews, potential clients may be more willing to work with you without a hard sell. 

New freelancers should focus on building a sample portfolio, even if it’s just for fictitious clients. Ask people who know you to recommend you on LinkedIn or leave a review on your website. Build these things into your pitch so clients can get to know you better.  

Pitch a Solution, Not a Service 

Speaking of pitches, new freelancers often make the mistake of being too service-oriented. Yes, you’re providing some sort of service to your clients, but that’s not really what they’re interested in. They’d rather know why or how your service can benefit them. 

Will hiring you save them time? Money? Hassle? Will you help them make more money with a well-designed website or SEO-friendly blog? These are the pain points you need to hone in on. Go beyond the services you provide and focus on the outcomes. Show 

Stick to Your Pricing 

A good freelancer knows their own value, and they should know what their services are worth to their clients. It’s unfortunate that companies use a freelancer’s “new” status to try to negotiate lower prices. And for a new freelancer who needs clients to get started, you might feel pressured to give in.  

This can be a good technique in some circumstances. But in most cases, it’s better to stick to your pricing. Doing so demonstrates two things: 

First, that you’ve already put thought into what your services are worth and know exactly how much you need to charge. This is a hallmark of a real professional, regardless of experience. 

And second, if you get in the early habit of discounting your services, it becomes part of your method of operating. You’ll have a hard time charging more later once you start building experience and may lose potential clients if you try to increase your prices.  

Want to land your first client quickly? Explore CitronWorks for freelancers